Tuesday 16 February 2010

all i want is you..

sorry for my terrible blogging, my internet has been
terrible the last few days.I promise not to bore you with
my terrible excuses.Anyways hows everyones holidays been
so far? i've decided to creat a new list for 2010, like an
late new years resalution. I  know that i'm kinda lazy, and
useless at time so by making a list i can have something
to work to.. 

1. Need a Job!!?!?  mabye so i can get these..

my dad's kinda not giving me anymore money...
sorry dad.

2. A new camera mabye?

3. Start a new book..
i kinda need help with this one,
anyone know a good book i can read?

4. re-decorate my room.
it's a total mess, sireously, if i don't do
anything about it now, i'll probably have
to put up with it forever.

5. eat more healthy, or just
not eat what i normaly eat.

1 comment:

  1. The oxfords are really cute! If you need help on deciding cameras, I can give you a feel tips on choosing one. :) As for books, one of my favorites - 1984 by George Orwell.

